Thursday, October 9, 2008

Carb Loading

Wow... so this morning was the second day of my carb load and I tried some oatmeal. I haven't had oatmeal in a few days.. this morning.. it WRECKED ME! I got a migraine and was in so much pain my eyes were watering. That SUCKED so bad... so I called my coach and he explained to me what had happened. Long story short, my body wasn't used to it and hated me for eating it... so I switched over to yams and I feel MUCH better. My headache is gone and I can actually function again. That really scared me this morning... Being that I'm getting ready for my FIRST figure competition I really didn't know what to expect. My coach tells me.. "If you don't feel like crap you must be doing something wrong.." Well, I don't feel like crap all the time but I definitely did this morning! Oy oy!

But life is good now. I'm just taking care of things before I head off for Canyonville, Oregon to the seven feathers resort for my show. I need to pack clothes, suits, and a lunchbox. I can't wait! I am so excited and nervous at the same time.

See some of you there!
-<3 Tiff

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