Thursday, April 23, 2009

Missin Zack

On the 21st I found out that my roommate, who’s also one of my best friends drown in the river. I’m just glad that before he left I told him I loved him and that he was my favorite roommate (sorry Margie). I had just started dragging him to the gym with me since he moved in my house. He’s the dude in my picture right now. He was probably the best guy I knew. He never said anything bad about his mother, he loved everyone, respected everyone, and stuck to his beliefs and never let people get the best of him. Zack.. you f’ing rock.. I miss you so bad. Now who am I going to call to fix my computer when I can’t figure it out? Who man?? Guess I’m going to have to get back into gaming and stuff… I am still proud of you that you did your best. One of the few people I can trust.. I miss you Zack.. ..

I’m sorry guys.. I don’t know what to do… I guess I just write to get things out there… He was awesome. He actually started dieting and working out when he moved in.. and I think he really enjoyed it.. he made some dam good chicken too.

Pray for his family and friends.. thanks..



Lynnderful said...

Sorry for your loss. I'm praying for you and his family.

Britishlady said...

Tiffany, I am so sorry to hear about the death of your friend. I know what it's like to have someone close to you pass away so I know there are no words to take the pain away. I hope you find some solace knowing that you told him you loved him before he passed-something many don't get to do.

I will pray for you and his family.
Love Porsha (the chick from who has you as her desktop background :)

lucky piggy said...

I am sorry too. He is fine wherever he is now. So don´t you worry about him.

Lots of love and I hope you get well soon.